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日期:2015-11-25, 查看:1873












Publications list:

  1. Diana Estevez, Aina He, Chuntao Chang, Qikui Man, Xinmin Wang, Run-Wei Li “Magnetoinductance and magnetoimpedance response of Co-based multi-wire arrays”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 393 (2015) 278.

  2. Diana Estevez, Jiawei Li, Gang Liu, Qikui Man, Chuntao Chang, Xinmin Wang, Run-Wei Li “Role of the Co-based microwires/polymer matrix interface on giant magneto impedance response”, J. Alloys Compd., 643 (2015) S95.

  3. D.C. Estevez, I. Betancourt, H. Montiel, “Magnetization dynamics and ferromagnetic resonance behavior of melt spun FeBSiGe amorphous alloys”, J. Appl. Phys., 112, (2012) 053923

  4. D.C. Estevez, I. Betancourt “Effect of germanium on the microstructure and the magnetic properties of Fe–B–Si amorphous alloys”, J. Non-cryst. Solids, 361 (2013) 82.

  5. Diana Estevez, Chuntao Chang, Qikui Man, Xinmin Wang, Run-Wei Li, “Magnetic domain motion under an electric field in a Co-based amorphous wire ”, To be submitted.

  6. Yuan-Yun Zhao,Diana Estevez, Chuntao Chang, He Men, Xinmin Wang, Run-Wei Li “Preparation of nanoporous silver micro-particles through ultrasonic-assisted dealloying of Mg-Ag alloy ribbons”, Mater. Letters, 144 (2015) 138

  7. Jian Qiang, Diana Estevez, Yaqiang Dong, Qikui Man, Chuntao Chang, “Giant magnetoimpedance effect enhanced by thermoplastic drawing”, J. Appl. Phys., 116, (2014) 093911.

  8. Jian Qiang, Diana Estevez, Chuntao Chang, Qikui Man, Run-Wei Li, Xinming Wang, Akihisa Inoue, “High strength CoFe-based glassy alloy with high thermal stability”, Mater. Letters, 114 (2014) 126–128

  9. J. W. Li, D Estevez, K. M. Jiang, W. M. Yang, Q. K. Man, C. T. Chang, X. M. Wang, “Electronic-structure origin of the glass-forming ability and magnetic properties in Fe–RE–B–Nb bulk metallic glasses”, J. Alloys Compd., 617 (2014) 332

  10. Yuan-Yun Zhao, He Men, Diana Estevez, Yan Liu, Xinmin Wang, Run-Wei Li, Chuntao Chang, “Mg-based bulk metallic glass composite containing in situ microsized quasicrystalline particles”, Scr Mater., 78-79 (2014) 21.

  11. Jiawei Li, Weiming Yang, Diana Estevez, Guoxin Chen, Wenguang Zhao, Qikui Man, Yuanyun Zhao, Zhidong Zhang, Baolong Shen, “Thermal stability, magnetic and mechanical properties of Fe–Dy–B–Nb bulk metallic glasses with high glass-forming ability” 46 (2014) 85