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日期:2015-11-25, 查看:3829










  1. 非晶软磁合金微观结构与其磁性能之间关联性的研究,中国博士后科学基金项目(负责人);

  2. Fe基非晶合金微观结构非均匀性对其磁性能调制的研究,宁波市自然科学基金项目(负责人);

  3. 电动汽车用非晶电机关键技术研发,宁波市重大科技专项项目(第三负责人)。


  1. L. S. Huo, J. F. Zeng, W. H. Wang, C. T. Liu, Y. Yang. The dependence of shear modulus on dynamic relaxation and evolution of local structural heterogeneity in a metallic glass, Acta Materialia 61, 4329 (2013).

  2. L. S. Huo, J. Ma, H. B. Ke, H. Y. Bai, D. Q. Zhao, W. H. Wang. The deformation units in metallic glasses revealed by stress-induced localized glass transition, Journal of Applied Physics 111, 113522 (2012).

  3. L. S. Huo, H. Y. Bai, X. K. Xi, D. W. Ding, D. Q. Zhao, W. H. Wang, R. J. Huang, L. F. Li. Tensile properties of ZrCu-based bulk metallic glasses at ambient and cryogenic temperatures, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 357, 3088 (2011).

  4. J. T. Huo L. S. Huo, J. W. Li, H. Men, X. M. Wang, A. Inoue, C. T. Chang, J. Q. Wang, R.-W. Li. High-entropy bulk metallic glasses as promising magnetic refrigerants, Journal of Applied Physics 117, 073902 (2015).

  5. J. T. Huo,L. S. Huo, H. Men, X. M. Wang, A. Inoue, J. Q. Wang, C. T. Chang, R.-W. Li. The magnetocaloric effect of Gd-Tb-Dy-Al-M (M = Fe, Co and Ni) high-entropy bulk metallic glasses. Intermetallics 58, 31 (2015).

  6. Z. Wang, P. Wen, L. S. Huo, H. Y. Bai, W. H. Wang. Signature of viscous flow units in apparent elastic regime of metallic glasses,Applied Physics Letters 101, 121906 (2012).

  7. J. Ma, L. S. Huo, D. Q. Zhao, W. H. Wang. Micro mold filling kinetics of metallic glasses in supercooled liquid state, Journal of Applied Physics 113, 104505 (2013).

  8. J. Yi, L. S. Huo, D. Q. Zhao, M. X. Pan, H. Y. Bai, W. H. Wang. Toward an ideal electrical resistance strain gauge using a bare and single straight strand metallic glassy fiber, Science China-Phys Mech Astron 55, 609 (2012).

  9. Y. J. Wei, X. Q. Lei, L. S. Huo, W. H. Wang, A. L. Greer. Towards more uniform deformation in metallic glasses: The role of Poisson’s ratio, Materials Science  Engineering A 560, 510 (2013).